The Title I Program
What is Title I?
- Title I is the largest federal aid to education program in existence and it has been in existence since 1965 and continues to level the academic playing field for children regardless of socioeconomic status. The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards.
What are the benefits of being a Title I school?
- Being a Title I school is beneficial in many ways. Title I schools have additional resource staff, for example our literacy coach, and instructional coach. We also receive additional funds for personnel and equipment. We have purchased computers in the past and additional staff members to aid in the academic achievement of our students.
What supplemental services are being provided by Title I funds?
- Our science resource teacher services are provided through Title I funds. We have paraprofessionals at almost every grade level and those positions are also paid for by Title I funds. Again the benefits of these supplemental services are reaching our students in the classroom and support our teachers.
Requirements of Title I:
- Compact Agreement: A written agreement between school and parent explaining shared responsibility for high student performance.
- Parent Involvement Activities like our grade level orientations, Open House, school-wide programs, and family math & reading nights are all aimed at involving parents in the success of our students.
- Highly Qualified Teachers
- Parent Notification
Parent and Family Engagement Policy Plan
The Parent and Family Engagement Policy Plan also known as the PAFEP is a valuable tool to outline the important roles educators and parents have in helping students achieve academic success. You are invited to view our school PAFEP! Please visit the link provided!
WES PFEP Plan 2023-2024.docx