






Dear Winegard Families,

Welcome to Winegard Elementary! I am looking forward to sharing many “amazing” experiences with you! I am proud to be a Winegard Patriot and grateful to be here with each of you. I am a Florida native with a Puerto Rican background. I graduated from OCPS Cypress Creek High School in 2010. I am married and have three amazing children. I began working for OCPS in 2016. I am excited to share that OCPS has expanded and reorganized the parental involvement initiative for Title I schools throughout our district. Parental Involvement has been upgraded to Family Engagement. The easy way to embrace this concept is to think of personal relationships. For example, being engaged demonstrates a deeper level of commitment rather than simply being involved. We want to raise the quality of partnership between home and school so that our families are engaged partners in their child’s education in whatever capacity they are able to do so. With this in mind, each Title I school has a Parent Engagement Liaison on campus. This position is referred to as PEL. I have been entrusted with this position to perform as a connecting bridge between home, school, and community members. My main target is to help our families support student academic success. Everything I do will be linked to learning. I am located in room 105 in the Family Resource Center! You are welcome to visit or call me at (407) 858-3200 ext. 4262225.

•               Welcome new families

•               Provide varied means of communication to our families and community

•               Facilitate faculty/staff committees for Family Engagement programs and activities that are linked to learning              

•               Support the leadership team with family engagement initiatives and service learning projects

•               Support teachers though home outreach as needed

•               Create and maintain our Family Resource Center

•               Facilitate our Partners in Education Program

•               Facilitate our ADDitions Volunteer Program

•               Refer families to campus and community resources as needed

•               Classroom visits, meet with team leaders, accompany home visits

•               Assist with the food pantry and clothing closet

•               Member of the SAC Board and Member of the PTA Board


Valerie Lopez Parent Engagement Liaison (PEL)                                                   

Pedro Sitting