Winegard Policies:
OCPS does not provide medical benefits for injuries occurring on school property. You will receive information regarding school insurance coverage. You must remit premium payments directly to the insurance company. We do not process insurance payments.
Current student hours at Winegard Elementary are 8:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. except on Wednesday when student hours are 8:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Students are not to arrive prior to 8:15 a.m. unless enrolled in the Winegard Extended Day Program. Students must leave campus at dismissal according to parent dismissal arrangements unless enrolled in the Winegard Extended Day Program.
Pursuant to Florida Statute Section 232.25
Orange County Public Schools employees are not responsible for supervising students not in attendance at school or students not authorized to participate in school-sponsored activities.
Orange County Public Schools employees are not responsible for supervising students arriving on these premises more than 30 minutes before school-sponsored activities begin or students remaining on these premises more than 30 minutes after the end of school-sponsored activities.
Under no circumstances should parents or guardians rely upon Orange County Public School employees to supervise students outside of the scope of this statute.
Regular attendance is required by law and necessary for the completion of a successful school year. Please note the following:
On a daily basis, student absences will be recorded as unexcused. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to promptly report the reason for the student’s absence to the school.
Excused absences include:
- Illness, injury or other insurmountable condition
- Illness or death of a member of the student’s immediate family
- Recognized (or established) religious holidays and/or religious instruction
- Medical appointments
- Participation in an approved activity of the class of instruction held at another school site
- Prearranged absences of educational value with the principal’s prior approval
- Up to four days during the school year due to head lice infestation
A student between the ages of 6 & 18 who has 15 or more unexcused absences will be considered a habitual truant. Days of suspension are not included in the number of absences when determining habitual truancy. Whenever a student attains 15 days of unexcused absence, the student will be reported to the Department of Family and Children CINS/FINS (Children in Need of Services/Families in Need of Services).
If a student is repeatedly absent from school, the school is authorized to require the parent/guardian to provide a written physician’s statement for subsequent absences to be considered excused.
The student will be given a reasonable amount of time to make up any work assignments that were missed during an absence.
A student’s progress report and report card shall contain the number of days absent and tardy for the grading period.
Academic instruction that is missed shall be made up by the student in a manner acceptable to the teacher and principal and shall be in accordance with the district pupil progression plan. Students may make up work missed during a suspension within a time limit established by the school principal
A student shall be deemed to be in attendance if actually present at school, or away from school on a school day and engaged in an educational activity which constitutes a part of the school approved instruction program, for at least one half of the student’s instructional day.
TARDIES - Students arriving after 8:45 a.m. are tardy and must report to the office to obtain a tardy pass before going to class. All tardies are considered to be unexcused and are recorded electronically. For truancy purposes, five tardies to school equal one unexcused absence. However, this is for referral purposes, and the electronic record is not to be altered. Tardies remain recorded as tardies in the electronic record. Two of the values that all children need to develop in order to become responsible adults are promptness and responsibility. Our expectation of all Winegard Elementary students is that each student will demonstrate responsibility and arrive at school on time every day. Our teachers begin instruction promptly at 8:45 a.m. Entering a classroom after this time disrupts the learning process.
BIKE RIDERS- A fenced area is provided for the parking of student bicycles. It is highly recommended that students who ride bicycles use a lock. We are not responsible for unsecured bicycles. It is required by law that students under 16 years old wear a bicycle helmet. Bicycles are not to be ridden on the school grounds. Students are to walk their bicycles when they are on school grounds. For safety reasons, students are to walk their bikes on all sidewalks that run along the school.
BUS SAFETY AND CONDUCT - School bus transportation is furnished to eligible students. Those who are eligible will receive a copy of the district’s bus rules at the beginning of the school year. Please review these rules with your child for the safety of all children who ride the bus.
If you move and require a change of buses or school for your child, please notify the school of the address change. No student may ride a bus to which he/she is not assigned.
CAR RIDERS - All car riders must have an official Winegard Elementary car tag from the front office before using this form of transportation arrangement to and from school. School personnel will not release a student to a car without the official Winegard Elementary tag displayed in the windshield mirror area. Homemade tags are not acceptable. Car riders are to be dropped off and picked up in the designated car rider line loading/unloading zone only. If you forget your tag, you will be required to park and present your driver's license in the main office for clearance. If cleared, Your student will then be called to meet you in the front office for release.
WALKERS - All walkers must have a signed note from the parents/ guardians submitted to the teacher. Kindergarten and First Grade are held at the 300 Gate for parents to pick up with a Winegard Elementary Escorted Walker Tag. These signs can be picked up from the front office. Homemade tags are not acceptable. For the safety of our students, no exceptions are made to this policy. All walkers will be dismissed to walk home only during regular dismissal times. Please discuss safe walking procedures with your student prior to the first day he/she begins walking home.
EARLY DISMISSAL - Dismissal during school hours is discouraged. A written note is required on the morning of an early dismissal stating the reason and the time of the early pick-up. When monitoring attendance for truancy intervention purposes, excessive withdrawals prior to the end of the school day by parents may be considered.
For the protection of the child, the parent or guardian must come into the office and sign the dismissal log. In order to ensure student safety, adults are required to present a photo ID. Only adults whose names are on the list submitted by the parent will be able to sign out a child from school. No child will be released to any individual during school hours without approval from the office. Teachers will not release students from the classroom.
No early dismissal or change in the mode of transportation will be permitted after 2:00 p.m. daily; Wednesday 1:00 p.m.
CHANGE OF TRANSPORTATION - It will be necessary to send a dated written note if you change your child’s mode of transportation. The school will not allow the student to alter his/her method of going home without this written notification. Last minute change in the mode of transportation will not be approved. Phones calls changing transportation will be not be accepted. Voice verification cannot be established over a phone. A dated written note must be received by the teacher/front office.
In cases involving court-ordered custody of children, the school MUST have on file the appropriate legal documents of the custody in order to assure compliance with any limiting court order.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER - Parents are required to submit any change of address and/or telephone number to the office and registrar so that our files contain accurate information.
CLINIC/ MEDICATION - The school has responsibility for first aid only. In case of illness, the student will be cared for until the parent arrives or the student is returned to class. In case of minor injury, attention will be given, and the student will return to class. In the event of head lice, you will be contacted immediately with instructions for treatment. The district maintains a "no-nit" policy on all students. In the event of pinkeye, the student will be required to obtain medical treatment and have prescribed eyedrops 24 hours before returning to school. In the case of a medical emergency, 911 will be contacted followed by a call the parents/guardians.
MEDICATION - School Board policy prohibits the dispensing of medicine to students without a written authorization form from parents. This form is available in the office. When sending medication to school, it must be in a properly labeled prescription bottle (recent date, child’s name, directions for giving, and physician’s name), accompanied by the completed authorization form. A new form is required whenever there is any change in your child’s medication. Only designated school staff may dispense medication to your child. Non-prescription medicine also requires the written authorization form. The medicine must be properly labeled and in the original bottle.
Students are not allowed to self-medicate ANY ITEMS, INCLUDING aspirin, cough drops and medicated creams while at school. However, parents may come to school to administer medication. Please keep us up-to-date on telephone numbers.
DISCIPLINE - Each student is expected to behave so that he/she will not interfere with the educational opportunities of classmates. Parents have the primary responsibility for their child’s conduct. You will be notified if your child is referred to the office for disciplinary action. We may request that you come to school when your child has a discipline problem. A copy of the Orange County Code of Student Conduct is given to each student. The Code of Student Conduct tells you about student rights in the school and also explains the rules that you must follow as a student in the Orange County School System. Consequences for misconduct are also explained.
Classroom teachers will be sending home a list of classroom rules, expectations, and consequences for misconduct. When you have read and discussed the documents with your student, sign the Student/Parent acknowledgment, tear it off the front cover of the Code of Student Conduct and return it to school. Students are also required to sign the agreement.
Failure to return this acknowledgment will not relieve a student or the parent/guardian of the student from responsibility for knowledge or the non-compliance of the contents of the Code of Student Conduct and the Internet Use Policy.
GRADES - Students in kindergarten and first grade do not receive grades. They are given "S" for satisfactory, "W" for working on skill and "N" for needs improvement. For grades second through fifth, A, B, C, D, and F are used.
HOMEWORK - We feel that the "habit" of study is as important as the study itself. This allows the student to practice new skills and demonstrate proficiency or need for additional support. Providing a specific place and time to complete homework assignments or to read is a good way to develop this habit of study. Homework amount is based on grade level and the individual needs of students. In general, assigned homework will not exceed 15 to 45 minutes per day.
INTERNET USE - Students utilize technology while at Winegard Elementary. Technology use is permitted for educational purposes and skill practice. OCPS internet policies are provided at the beginning of the school year and are reviewed in the classroom. Any violation of OCPS technology use will be referred to the administration for further investigation.
INSTRUCTIONAL TIME - Classroom instructional time is valued at Winegard Elementary. Interruptions are minimal. Classroom teachers do not accept incoming phone calls or visits during instructional times. Please feel free to email your child's teacher, leave a voicemail, or contact the main office with any questions, concerns, or messages if necessary.
LOST AND FOUND - Children should assume responsibility for the care of their belongings. To assist your child, parents are urged to label personal belongings (e.g. lunchboxes, eyeglasses) for the purpose of identification. Items of clothing and other personal items found in the school will be placed in the Lost and Found in the Family Resource Center. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity at the end of the school year.
MEDIA CENTER BOOKS - We invite and encourage our students to check out books. Students are responsible for taking care of items checked out and must return the items by the due date. Lost or damaged media center books are the responsibility of the student. A replacement fee will be charged for damaged items and items not returned.
MEASURING STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT - All students are learning progress is consistently monitored by classroom teachers and administration. iReady is one of the monitoring programs utilized on campus as well as Accelerated Reader. Students in the third, fourth, and fifth grades participate in the new Florida FAST Assessment, which will take the place of FSA. Students in third, fourth, and fifth grades will take Reading and Math tests. Fourth and fifth grades will also take a writing test, and fifth grade has the added component of a science achievement test. Students will also be taking EOCs, or End of Course Exams, in Music, Art, and PE. Periodic benchmark tests will be given throughout the year in order to monitor each student’s progress as he or she prepares for these comprehensive achievement tests.
PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES - It is important that the parent/teacher/student work as a team in the educational process. Conferences with your child’s teacher are encouraged. They may be requested by the teacher or parent. The best way to arrange a conference is to send a written request to your child’s teacher or call the school office and leave a message on voice mail. The teacher will contact you. We encourage you to meet regularly with your child’s teacher. Our goal this year is to have 100 percent participation in parent/teacher conferences!
PARTIES - Parties are limited. Please contact your child's teacher prior to making any party contributions you would like to make. Any food items must be store purchased. For safety and health reasons, we are unable to accept any homemade items. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
PARTNERS IN EDUCATION - Winegard Elementary values our Partners in Education. The support of our business community members is vital to our student success. If you are interested in becoming a Partner in Education with our school, please contact our PIE Coordinator, Mrs. Muchow to learn how to register or visit and select Partner in Education. We appreciate your support and kind contributions of time, talents, and resources. We enjoy sharing our partnership activities with our families via newsletters, Facebook, Twitter, and our school marquee. Please do not place advertisement banners or signs on campus. OCPS does have guidelines, procedures, and fees for any advertisements on the school campus.
REPORT CARDS - Report cards are issued every nine weeks in grades Kindergarten through five. They are a record of the student’s progress based on expected achievement. A five-week progress report is issued at the mid-point of each nine weeks. Its purpose is to inform of how your child is progressing prior to the issuance of the report card. If you have any concerns about your child’s progress, we encourage you to schedule a conference with your child’s teacher.
SCHOOL LUNCH/BREAKFAST PROGRAM - Breakfast is served from 8:15a.m.-8:45 a.m. Winegard Elementary students receive free breakfast and lunch. We provide the students with low-cost nutritious meals, which are designed to fulfill one-third of daily nutritional requirements. We encourage our students to reduce food waste. A Food Sharing Table is provided where students can leave sealed unopened food items for other students who would enjoy the nutritional benefits of these items. Students are allowed to bring their own breakfast and/or lunch. Please make sure these meals are safe and nutritious. Please do not send glass containers. You must notify your child's teacher and the cafeteria manager in writing of any and all food allergies your student has.
STUDENT DRESS - Winegard Elementary believes in dressing for success! We encourage students to wear a uniform. Students are highly encouraged to wear a red, white, or blue polo style shirt with khaki or navy blue pants/skirt. The dress and grooming of Orange County Public Schools’ students shall contribute to the health and safety of the individual, promote a positive educational environment, and not disrupt the educational activities and processes of the school. These minimum standards of dress and grooming apply to all students in the public schools of Orange County unless a specific exemption is granted by the principal. Any request for an exemption shall be made to the principal.
1. Clothes shall be worn as they are designed-suspenders over the shoulders, pants secured at the waist, belts buckled, no underwear as outerwear, no underwear exposed.
2. Clothing with holes, tears, or inappropriate patches will not be allowed if considered obscene.
3. Bare midriffs and bare sides should not show even when arms are extended above the head.
4. Clothing normally worn when participating in a school-sponsored extracurricular or sports activity may be worn to school when approved by the sponsor, coach, or principal. Examples would be cheerleader, drill-team and band uniforms, team shirts, etc.
TELEPHONES - Students may have a personal cell phone on school grounds; however, that phone must be turned off and stowed in a backpack during the school day. The school is NOT responsible for lost or stolen cell phones. Student use of the classroom telephone is discouraged except in cases of emergency and requires permission from the office. Emergencies DO NOT include forgotten homework, books, permission slips, etc. In the event a student receives a call, he/she will be called out of the class only in the case of an emergency. Please make rainy day plans with your child ahead of time.
TEXTBOOKS - Textbooks are furnished by the State of Florida and become the responsibility of the student to whom they are assigned. Students will be expected to care for the books issued to them and are expected to pay for those books that are lost or damaged.
TRANSFERS TO OTHER SCHOOLS - If it becomes necessary for your child to transfer to another school, please notify us immediately so that the school records may be completed without disrupting the learning process. Also, be sure that all library books, textbooks, and other materials are returned to the school and that any outstanding charges are paid.
VISITORS - Winegard Elementary welcomes visitors to our campus. Please contact the front office if you would like to make an appointment with an administrator or other faculty members. We do request that you make an appointment with the teacher for conferences or classroom visits so he/she can plan accordingly. All visitors who will be visiting classrooms must be an ADDitions volunteer. To sign up, please visit
School board policy requires that all visitors check in the office before proceeding to a classroom or any area on campus. You must have a visitors sticker from the front office. This is for your protection as well as the safety of our children.
OCPS EEO NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT - The School Board of Orange County, Florida, does not discriminate in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, marital status, disability or any other reason prohibited by law. Educational Leadership Center, 445 W. Amelia Street, Orlando, Florida 32801 (407.317.3200).